Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Online portfolio up and running:


Thursday, 25 April 2013

Phase 05 - Plan & axonometric section

Final section drawing and the top floor plan of the building.
Focusing on the entrance experience and the effect of the light shafts through the building.

Phase 05 - Illustrations & Diagrams

Displaying the project through diagrams and illustrations of the building in relation to the context.

Phase 05 - Dissolving

Using previous illustrations to dissolve the central core of the building, which has acted as the element that the dwelling units are orientated around.

Phase 05 - Developing plan/section

Layers of tracing papers used to develop the building level by level. Projecting a consecutive section.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Phase 04 - Spatial interaction in plan

Phase 04 - Conceptual section

Workshop - Dwelling

In two days designing the prototype for a unit in the private program, with a point of departure in a reference project. In this case, Schretter apartment.

Phase 03 - Program

Using an old illustration as basis for combining essentials from all phases in one drawing, and at the same time finding a public program that makes sense.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Back to Williamsburg - Whitney impacts

Re-mapping the site with inspiration in the tools the Whitney Musuem uses to frame the context and dissolve the entrance.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Case Study - Whitney Museum, NY

Studying the buildings main entrance and the interaction with the context. Focusing on the spatial dissolvement happening inbetween cold and warm light, narrow and open space, overhang and corbel.

Phase02 - A cataloque of potentials

Instant programming.
From site analysis and a program of 25% public function and 75% dwelling for domestic workers, conceptual designs are developed in diagrammatic drawings and models.

Phase01 - Unveilling a different kind of truth (step2)

Deliniating communal functions in the near context. Determing what kind of people are involved with the site already and what functional purpose the addition should serve.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Phase01 - Unveilling a different kind of truth (step1)

6th semester - Aarhus School of Architecture "Open Formations"
Elevating the context around the site in Williamsburg, NY.
Step1 of the drawing is to highlight what spatial conditions and impacts the addition has to relate to.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Model elevations


Model close-up

Model 3.0

The final product is a developed through a series of controlled and uncontrolled actions and choices.
Covering 8000m2, the 'city' is grown from an architectural concept, creating an expression that is neither homogeneous or introspective.


Academic Optic

Using graphical elements to state different types of communication in architecture.
Distinguishing between subject, object and the logic of environment defined as the objective truth.
Situation 1: The subject (architect) recognizes the system and boundaries of the objective truth. The subject has no intension of affecting the object.
Situation 2: The subject acts only within the logic of the objective truth. And the architecture becomes recognizeable and understandable.

In this 2 weeks course, we strived both to define the architectural tendensies of today, and to use deconstructivism as a tool for obtaining a complexity in buildings that distances the product from communication and easy understandability as the end, not the means.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Friday, 16 November 2012

phase03 - light / shadow

Studies in 1:20 plywood model.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

phase03 - framing

After altering the space and the opening, an old concept appeared; framing. This time though not framing the elements of the far context, but different layers of the transition between inside and outside. By using the building as binoculars, the context is pulled into the room.

shadow / window frame / floor / ceiling / context

phase03 - ventilation

To remain in complete control of the climate within the room, the delicate southwest facing glass surface is pulled back into the room. Shielding it from changes in wind temperatures and using the building mass to create cross ventilation in the room.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

phase03 - developing in model

Focusing the direct sunlight on the west faced wall. Creating shielding without interfering with the view or overall lighting situation of the room.